They (who are they?) call me Phil, but others know me as Supa Dupa Troopa the toy photographer with a passion for creating images to stimulate imagination.
With over thirty years experience in the design industry I know how to create an eye catching image, an image that tells a story and takes you to another place.
This particular journey started towards the back end of 2018 when a friend asked me if I fancied photographing some Star Wars LEGO sets for a magazine review, "erm YES!" was the answer. That publication was Blocks magazine (issue 46) which featured two sets of review images (75208 Yoda's Hut and 75206 Jedi & Clone Troopers Battle Pack), I was in print!
Over the next six issues my images appeared on the front cover three times! Then, an email arrived from the editor asking if i'd like to create the cover images moving forwards, "erm YES!" was again the answer. To date I’ve produced numerous covers, hundreds of review and feature images for the Blocks magazine.
With this and a stream of collaborations I’m constantly pushing my creative skills, looking for new techniques and developing my creative style.
Various social media channels allow me to express my toy photography creativity, channeling my inner child and having loads of fun along the way.
Like what you see? Why not collaborate on a project together and join me on my adventures? Fill in the below and let’s chat.